SUBMISSIONS - Issue 3: Flight
Before you prepare your submission, please make sure you have read the submission guidelines.
A five-step process is involved in submission. You will need only ONE submission code.
Please take a moment to read through the process. Please complete the submission process if you start it. The system will NOT save your work unless you complete submission.
STEP 1 Submission Code
Get a submission code by pressing this button. You'll need this code for all other steps of the process!
STEP 2 Info about you
Enter your submission code into this box, and make sure you note it down for later!
STEP 3 Upload your poetry and short fiction
Uploaded files should be .doc or .docx
Filenames should include your submission code and the title of the work ie. #####_mytitle.doc
DO NOT include your name on any part of the document.
Failure to name documents as indicated above may mean they will not be considered for publication.
Please make sure you have checked the information above, and that all parts of the form are complete. You'll need your submission code again in Step 3. Click the button below to move on to Step 3 where you can upload your files
Your content has been submitted; Please continue to upload your files
Once you have uploaded the files, the file name should appear below the upload box. Check that all the files are labelled correctly, as per the instructions above.All files should be labelled with your submission code followed by the title of the work ie. #####_MyTitle.doc
STEP 4 Visual artists only: upload your additional materials
If you're submitting visual art, upload a single document with details of the works, the media etc. You may like to include a thumbnail of the works in the file.
You will still need to email the high res versions of your artworks via email to helloauthora@gmail.com, as per the submission guidelines.
Uploaded files should be .doc or .docx
Filenames should include your submission code and ADDITIONALie. #####_additionalmaterials.doc
If you're not submitting visual art, you can skip this step!
When you have checked your submission, press the submit button to send them to us! By clicking submit you acknowledge that you
have read the Authora Australis values and declare your submission is consistent with them;
have read and complied with the submission guidelines, and
declare that your work is your own, and is not currently being considered for publication by other outlets
After you press the submit button, please be patient. It may take a while for your files to submit. When the submission is successful you will receive a message on-screen confirming submission.
STEP 5 Submit your files
Thanks for submitting your files. We look forward to reading them