Before you prepare your submission, please make sure you have read the submission guidelines below.
The submission process has changed - please read!
What we accept​​
We are interested in all forms of poetry. Please submit no more than three poems, with each poem being no more than 60 lines. There is no minimum number of lines: we like and support the submission of short poems. We are also happy to accept rhyming poetry. Clever, original, rhymes that do not sacrifice the meaning and feel of the poem for the sake of finding a rhyming word are wonderful things, and we would like to read them. Hackneyed pieces that substitute rhyme for meaning are not. The cat better not have sat on the mat!
Fiction (Flash, Short stories)
Please submit one short-story or stand-alone book chapter of up to 3,000 words. We are interested in all genres, but we ask that if you write in a genre, you make it accessible to a general audience or an audience that does not normally read your chosen genre.
Artworks which respond to the theme of the issue will be accepted by email. We accept jpeg representations of all kinds of original art, as well as photography.
In addition to the submission instructions above, when submitting artwork please also instructions to submit your artwork:
Prepare a word document of accompanying material with the title “Artwork Details – Artwork title.doc”. This document should include: Artwork Titles, Dates, Materials, Sizes, and (de-identified) explanatory text or poetry.
Email a maximum of three pieces of your best artworks in jpeg format at 300dpi to authorasubs@gmail.com
Editors will choose one or more pieces, should the work(s) be accepted for publication.
Visual or concrete poetry that is predominantly artwork will be treated as art, and should be submitted by email as a jpeg, as per the process above. Concrete poetry that is predominantly word based with minor formatting should be submitted as poems, following the same guidelines as for other forms of poetry.
Accepted art will be displayed with full author credits on our website in either a specialised art section - interspersed with poetry/prose as part of a general theme - or as cover art for the theme as a whole. We reserve the right to display accepted art in any of these capacities.
Please note:
Authora Australis holds first electronic publication rights to the accepted works. In any subsequent publication of the work(s), please acknowledge Authora Australis.
We do not take simultaneous submissions. We only take original work.
Your work and bio should be edited and ready for publication at the time of submission.
Submission Process
We use a blind submission process where you enter your details first, and then email us your work. Please follow the steps below:
1. Complete the form below. AFTER you complete the form, you will be able to see the submission email.
2. Email your files to the address that is provided. ​Please DO NOT include your name or other identifying information within your files.​
Send each piece in a separate file (ie. if you send 3 poems, you should send 3 separate files)​​
Your submitted files should be labelled only with the title of the piece of work in the file (eg. "Cloud".doc)
Your submitted files should be .doc or .docx format, and should be in a 12 point standard font such as Arial or Times New Roman.
Do not send pdfs.
Deadline for submissions to Issue 9 Cracks 28 February 2025 23:59 AEDT.