Poem 2 - After the Storm
Lenore Balliro
Dead Man’s Fingers, codium fragile, Bladderwrack, Mermaids Purses, rows of red algae, a torn sting-ray lying atop a clump of bio-stuff, mollusk innards and pellets of sea sponge, and here and there, glints of sea glass and mussel shells feigning pearlescence, the dog ignores a ball, a Frisbee, a stick, following his nose from one heavenly stink to the next . At the end of the day it's what’s in your pocket: stones shaped like crooked hearts, the worn blue glass of a bottle top thrown overboard in another century.
Lenore Balliro lives in Gloucester, MA. She has been published in the Atlanta Review, Louisville Review, Prose Poem Project, minnesota review, and many other journals and anthologies. She is a former recipient of the RI State Council of the Arts award for poetry, the Gloucester Writers Center Bianchini Flash Fiction award, and the Alms House Press chapbook award.