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Black Swan

Gregory Piko

at dawn

you will rise

with the lightness of old

a splendid black swan

gliding over Yerrabi Pond

your body suspended, floating

in that fragile realm

between water, and air

too slight to break

the surface, as perfect

as a water nymph

at dusk

you will love

with the lightness of old

a slender head

turning to welcome

a weary cygnet

seeking refuge in a cradle

of sturdy wings

your long, red beak

delicately rearranging

an errant feather

Closeup of a Black Dog

Gregory Piko was joint winner of the WB Yeats Poetry Prize. His poems have also been commended in the Glen Phillips Poetry Prize and the New Zealand International Poetry Competition. His writing has appeared in Westerly, Meniscus, StylusLit, the Liquid Amber Prize Anthology, Poetry for the Planet, Poetry d'Amour, Authora Australis, Communion Arts Journal and The Canberra Times among other places. Please visit


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