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Kersten Christianson

Shuttered up winter town: rain puddling

in the gutters and cracks, I am the string

of inconsistencies. Twinkle lights;

eight bulbs burned out, half winking

stars flash against the art shop’s storm-

dirty windows.  Blink of an eye,

the blue of the mailbox gnarled,

twisted by the drunk driver leaving

the Moose Lodge.  The Russian curios line

the dusty shelves of the old Random House

gift shop:  Lacquer boxes, Faberge baubles,

Matryoshkas, the little nest of dolls (one word

inside another, inside another) in rain gear, dry

boots, a neophyte of joy buoyed

in the crack of flashy January sunlight,

the truth of sky just before the dark.

Alaskan Poet, Moon Gazer, Raven Watcher, Northern Trekker, Teacher. Kersten Christianson derives inspiration from wild, wanderings, and road trips. Kersten is the poetry editor of Alaska Women Speak. She has authored Curating the House of Nostalgia (Sheila-Na-Gig, 2020), What Caught Raven’s Eye (Petroglyph Press, 2018), and Something Yet to Be Named (Kelsay Books, 2017).  Kersten lives with her daughter in Sitka, Alaska and enjoys road trips, bookstores, and smooth ink pens.


Copyright Authora Australis and contributing authors and artists 2020

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