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Before you prepare your submission, please make sure you have read the submission guidelines.


We use a blind submission process. Do not include your name or other identifying information within your files (your name will be on the submission form).


Uploaded files should be .doc or .docx 





Authora Australis is kicking off in 2020 with a poetry Anthology based on the theme of: Toilet paper.

It's truly a symbol of everyday life, and never more so that during COVID-19.

Submit your best and fairest. See guidelines below on poetry submissions - the same rules apply.

Toilet paper: it rolls us together and tears us apart.

Submission deadline: May 15, 2020





We are interested in all forms of poetry. Please submit no more than 3 poems, with each poem being no more than 60 lines. There is no minimum number of lines: counter to the current trend in long free verse poetry, we like and support the submission of short poems. We are also happy to accept rhyming poetry. Clever, original, rhymes that do not sacrifice the meaning and feel of the poem for the sake of finding a rhyming word are wonderful things, and we would like to read them. Hackneyed pieces that substitute rhyme for meaning are not.  The cat better not have sat on the mat!






We are interested in short fiction of up to 3,000 words, and particuarly welcome those works with an everyday Australian focus. We are interested in all genres, but we ask that if you write in a genre, you make it accessible to a general audience or an audience that does not normally read your chosen genre. 




Visual art may be submitted by email at this ADDRESS. Submissions of poetry and fiction will not be accepted by email. FILESIZE and quality.?





The anthology deadline is May 15, 2020

Poetry and fiction deadline for the regular issue will be advised after the anthology is released.







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